Our Mission:
Our Mission is to Deliver Solutions which are Efficient and Effective, based on proven Insourcing and “Best of Breed” Outsourcing Opportunities that Maximize Economic Value and innovation for our Clients and Suppliers.
Who We Are:
GVSource is a specialized US based consulting firm and a leading provider of Offshore, Near-shore and Onshore Business Transformation services. GVSource provides the technical and operational expertise required to deliver successful outsourcing solutions. GVSource has a full understanding of the US business environment with particular emphasis on the financial and insurance sectors. GVSource has a strong understanding and hands on expertise for strategizing, architecting, engineering and executing large offshore/near-shore outsourcing contracts for Fortune-100 companies.
Our Team:
GVSource executives and our consulting team have over 125 years of operating experience in successfully managing US Brands in the financial and insurance services industry at the senior executive levels. They have firsthand knowledge of the business processes, systems, global telecommunications and infrastructure engineering.
The GVSource team has extensive knowledge and experience in reengineering business processes for outsourcing and how value-added outsourcing strategies can be deployed. They have run businesses that have successfully deployed offshore BPO/ITO outsourcing on a global basis.
All team members are officers and US Principals. Their experience and intellectual property knowledge in dealing with all levels of the global supply chain management as well as human sourcing of human skills provide significant strengths and assets in delivering high quality service.
What we do:
With our extensive hands-on expertise we help our customers to smoothly transition outsourcing initiatives, achieve maximum economical value, and reduce the outsourcing risks and deployment of efficient and reliable technology solutions.Our expertise has helped our customers to achieve success in the following areas:
- Strategy and execution of corporate outsourcing initiatives.
- Identify outsourcing opportunities that maximize economical value.
- Identify the right outsourcing partner and solutions.
- Conduct offshore, near-shore and onshore technology due diligence on existing and new outsourcing providers Architect and engineer telecommunications and systems solutions that are optimized for global communications.
- Manage end-to-end outsourcing projects.
- Governance and problem management.
- Overcome cultural differences and challenges.